Aether Rectangular Grid Interface


The Aether (“eether”) space weather model can be implemented on a logically rectangular grid “lat-lon”, or on a cubed-sphere grid. This is the interface to the lat-lon version. The model code is available on GitHub .

Aether writes history and restart files. The restart fields are divided among 2 types of files: neutrals and ions. They are further divided into “blocks”, which are subdomains of the globe. The numbering of blocks starts in the southwest corner of the lat-lon grid and goes east first, then to the west end of the next row north, and ends in the northeast corner. Each block has a halo around it filled with field values from neighboring blocks. All of these need to be combined to make a single state vector for filter. There’s a unique set of these files for each member. The restart file names reflect this information

MMMM = ensemble member (0-based)
BBBB = block number (0-based)

The restart files do not have grid information in them. Grid information must be read from

Programs aether_to_dart and dart_to_aether read the same namelist; transform_state_nml. The fields chosen to be part of the model state are specified in ‘variables’. Aether_to_dart will read the specified fields, from all the restarts for a member plus grid files, and repackage them into an ensemble state vector file ( has a single domain and no halos. The field names will be transformed into CF-compliant names in

Filter will read a list of variables from model_nml (not transform_state_nml), then read the ensemble of files, assimilate, and write an ensemble of files.

Dart_to_aether will convert the fields’ names to the CF-compliant filter names, find those names in, extract the updated field data, and overwrite those fields in the appropriate Aether restart files.


  • The namelists are read from the file input.nml.

  • Namelists start with an ampersand ‘&’ and terminate with a slash ‘/’.

  • Character strings that contain a ‘/’ must be enclosed in quotes to prevent them from prematurely terminating the namelist.



The directory where the Aether restart files reside, and will be transformed (the “run” directory).

nblocks_lon, nblocks_lat, nblocks_lev

Number of Aether domain “blocks” in the longitudinal, latitudinal, and vertical directions. Vertical is always 1 (2024-2). The total number of blocks (nblocks_lon x nblocks_lat x nblocks_lev) is defined by the number of processors used by Aether.


The Aether fields to be transformed into a model state are specified in the ‘variables’ namelist variable in transform_state_nml. The following information must be provided for each field

  1. Aether field name

  2. which file contains the field (“neutrals” or “ions”)

Aether field names are not CF-compliant and are translated to CF-compliant forms by aether_to_dart.

In transform_state_nml there is no association of DART “quantities” (QTY_*) with fields. A subset of the transformed variables to be included in the model state is specified in model_nml:variables, using the CF-compliant names. That is where the associations with QTYs are made. See the QTY section, below.

The neutrals restart files contain the following fields. The most important fields are noted in bold text

Temperature, velocity_east, velocity_north,
velocity_up, N, O2, N2, NO, He, N_2D, N_2P, H, O_1D, CO2

Similarly for the ions restart files

O+, O+_2D, O+_2P, O2+, N2+, NO+, N+, He+,
Temperature_bulk_ion, Temperature_electron

In addition, there are 7 (independent) fields associated with each ion density

- Temperature\ \(O+\)
- velocity_parallel_east\ \(O+\)
- velocity_parallel_north\ \(O+\)
- velocity_parallel_up\ \(O+\)
- velocity_perp_east\ \(O+\)
- velocity_perp_north\ \(O+\)
- velocity_perp_up\ \(O+\)


As of this writing (2024-1-30) the electron density and solar radiation parameter “f10.7” are not available through the restart files, even though electron temperature is. They may be available in the history files.



= ‘’ is the default


Each field to be included in the state vector requires 5 descriptors:

  1. field name (transformed to CF-compliant)

  2. DART “quantity” to be associated with the field

  3. min value

  4. max value

  5. update the field in the restart file? {UPDATE,NO_COPY_BACK}

The field names listed in ‘variables’ must be the transformed names, as found in the files (see Usage). In general the transformation does the following

  • Remove all ‘\’, ‘(’, and ‘)’

  • Replace blanks with underscores

  • Replace ‘+’ with ‘pos’ and ‘-’ with ‘neg’

  • For ions, move the ion name from the end to the beginning.

For example ‘velocity_parallel_east\ \(O+_2D\)’ becomes ‘Opos_2D_velocity_parallel_east’.

The DART QTY associated with each field is an open question, depending on the forward operators required for the available observations and on the scientific objective. The default choices are not necessarily correct for your assimilation. For the fields identified as most important in early Aether assimilation experiments, these are the defaults:


quantity (kind)

















Some fields could have one of several QTYs associated with them. For example, the field ‘Opos_velocity_parallel_up’ could potentially have these existing QTYs associated with it:


It’s possible that several fields could have the same QTY. A third possibility is that the experiment may require the creation of a new QTY. The example above may require something like QTY_VEL_PARALLEL_VERT_OP.


The size of these parameters may be limited to 31 characters (types_mod.f90)

time_step_days, time_step_seconds

= 0, 3600 The hindcast period between assimilations.


The workflow and scripting for fully cycling assimilation (ensemble hindcast, then assimilation, repeat as needed) has not been defined yet for Aether (2024-2), but we expect that all of the DART executables will be in a directory which is defined in the script. So the script will be able to run the programs using a full pathname. In addition, all of the Aether restart files will be in a “run” directory, which has plenty of space for the data. The DART executables will be run in this directory using their full pathnames.

To run a more limited test (no assimilation), which is just the transformation of files for a member (0) use the following csh commands, or equivalents in your preferred languange. These build the aether_to_dart and dart_to_aether executables in $DART/models/aether_lat-lon/work directory. Also in that directory, edit input.nml to set transform_state_nml: aether_restart_dirname to be the full pathname of the directory where the Aether restart and grid files are.

> set exec_dir = $DART/models/aether_lat-lon/work
> cd $exec_dir
> ./
> cd {aether_restart_dirname}
> mkdir Orig
> cp *m0000* Orig/
> cp ${exec_dir}/input.nml .
> ${exec_dir}/aether_to_dart  0
> cp
> ${exec_dir}/dart_to_aether  0
Compare the modified Aether restart files with those in Orig.
The filter_ files will contain the CF-compliant field names which must be used in model_nml:variables.


Some halo parts may have no data in them because Aether currently (2024-2) does not use those regions.


The restart files have dimensions ordered such that common viewing tools (e.g. ncview) may display the pictures transposed from what is expected.