
DART Manhattan release documentation

DART overview

The Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) is designed to facilitate the combination of assimilation algorithms, models, and real (or synthetic) observations to allow increased understanding of all three. The DART programs are highly portable, having been compiled with many Fortran 90 compilers and run on linux compute-servers, linux clusters, OSX laptops/desktops, SGI Altix clusters, supercomputers running AIX, and more. Read the Compiling DART section for help in building on new platforms.

DART employs a modular programming approach to apply an Ensemble Kalman Filter which adjusts model values toward a state that is more consistent with information from a set of observations. Models may be swapped in and out, as can different algorithms in the Ensemble Kalman Filter. The method requires running multiple instances of a model to generate an ensemble of states. A forward operator appropriate for the type of observation being assimilated is applied to each of the states to generate the model’s estimate of the observation. Comparing these estimates and their uncertainty to the observation and its uncertainty ultimately results in the adjustments to the model states. See the DART_LAB Tutorial demos or read more DART Tutorial.

DART diagnostic output can be written that contains the model state before and after the adjustment, along with the ensemble mean and standard deviation, and prior or posterior inflation values if inflation is enabled. There is also a text file,, with the model estimates of the observations. There is a suite of MATLAB® functions that facilitate exploration of the results, but the netCDF files are inherently portable and contain all the necessary metadata to interpret the contents with other analysis programs such as NCL, R, etc.

Notes for current users

If you have been updating from the rma_trunk branch of the DART subversion repository you will notice that the code tree has been simplified to be more intuitive for users. The new top level directory structure looks like :



  • assimilation_code

  • build_templates

  • diagnostics

  • documentation

  • models

  • observations

if you do try to do an ‘svn update’ on an existing directory, you will encounter many ‘tree conflicts’.

We suggest that current users checkout a fresh version of Manhattan in a new location. To see which files need to be moved, run ‘svn status’ on your original checked out version. Anything with an M or ? in the first column needs to be moved to the new location in the new tree. Please contact DART if you have any issues migrating your existing code to the new tree structure.

There is a list of non-backwards compatible changes (see below), and a list of new options and functions.

The Manhattan release will continue to be updated for the next few months as we continue to add features. Checking out the Manhattan release branch and running ‘svn update’ from time to time is the recommended way to update your DART tree.

Non-backwards compatible changes

Unlike previous releases of DART, this version contains more non-backwards compatible changes than usual. Please examine the following list carefully. We do suggest you check out the Manhattan release into a new location and migrate any local changes from previous versions as a second step.

Changes in the Manhattan release (15 May 2015) which are not backwards compatible with the Lanai release (13 Dec 2013):

  1. We no longer require model data to be converted to DART format restart files. We directly read and write NetCDF format only. To specify the input and output files for filter, there are new namelist items in the &filter_nml namelist: 'input_state_file_list' and 'output_state_file_list' .

  2. The information formerly in and has been moved. If you are reading and writing ensemble members from different files, the state information, the ensemble mean and standard deviation, and the inflation mean and standard deviation will all be read and written to separate files:

    • [stage]

    • [stage]

    • [stage]

    • [stage]_priorinf_{mean,sd}.nc (if prior inflation is turned on)

    • [stage]_postinf_{mean,sd}.nc (if posterior inflation is turned on)

    If you are reading and writing ensemble members from a single file, all this information will now be in a single NetCDF file but will be stored in different variables inside that file:

    • [var].nc

    • [var]

    • [var]

    • [var]_priorinf_{mean,sd}.nc (if prior inflation is turned on)

    • [var]_postinf_{mean,sd}.nc (if posterior inflation is turned on)

    We also now have options for writing files at six stages of the assimilation cycle: 'input', 'forecast', 'preassim', 'postassim', 'analysis', 'output'. This is set in the &filter_nml namelist with stages_to_write.

  3. New model_mod.f90 required routines:

    • vert_convert()

    • query_vert_localization_coord()

    • pert_model_copies()

    • read_model_time()

    • write_model_time()

    There are default version of these available to use if you have no special requirements.

  4. Several of the model_mod.f90 argument lists have changed

    • model_interpolate() now takes in the state_handle as an argument rather than a state vector array. It also return an array of expected_obs and istatus for each of the ensemble members

    • get_state_meta_data() also requires the state_handle as an argument rather than a state vector array.

    • nc_write_model_atts() has an additional argument moel_mod_writes_state_variables. If true then the model_mod is expected to write out the state variables, if false DART will write out the state variable (this is the prefered method for adding new models, it requires less code from the model developer)

  5. There are several namelist changes mainly in the &filter_nml and &perfect_model_mod which are outlined in detail in DART Manhattan Differences from Lanai Release Notes

  6. All modules have been moved to DART/assimilation_code/modules/ directory. And similarly all of the programs have moved to DART/assimilation_code/programs/

  7. The location modules which were stored in locations have moved to DART/assimilation_code/location directory

  8. The observation converters which were stored in observations have moved to DART/observations/obs_converters directory

  9. The forward operators have moved from obs_def/obs_def_*_mod.f90 to observations/forward_operators

  10. The tutorial files have moved to DART/docs/tutorial directory

  11. The program fill_inflation_restart can be used to create initial inflation restart files for the first assimilation step in a multi-step assimilation. This allows the scripting to treat the first step the same as subsequent steps for inflation file motion and namelist settings.

  12. The default flags in the mkmf_template.XXX files have been updated to be more consistent with current compiler versions.

  13. If you enable the sampling error correction option, the required data is now read from a single netcdf file which supports multiple ensemble sizes. A program is provided to compute additional ensemble sizes if they are not in the default file.

  14. Our use of TYPES and KINDS has been very confusing in the past. In Manhattan we have tried to make it clearer which things in DART are generic quantities (QTY) - temperature, pressure, etc - and which things are specific types of observations - Radiosonde_temperature, Argo_salinity etc.

    Below is a mapping between old and new subroutine names here for reference. We have made these changes to all files distributed with DART. If you have lots of code developed outside of the subversion repository, please contact DART for a sed script to help automate the changes.

    Public subroutines, existing name on left, replacement on right:

    assimilate_this_obs_kind()     =>     assimilate_this_type_of_obs(type_index)
    evaluate_this_obs_kind()       =>       evaluate_this_type_of_obs(type_index)
    use_ext_prior_this_obs_kind()  =>  use_ext_prior_this_type_of_obs(type_index)
    get_num_obs_kinds()            =>  get_num_types_of_obs()
    get_num_raw_obs_kinds()        =>  get_num_quantities()
    get_obs_kind_index()           => get_index_for_type_of_obs(type_name)
    get_obs_kind_name()            => get_name_for_type_of_obs(type_index)
    get_raw_obs_kind_index()       =>  get_index_for_quantity(qty_name)
    get_raw_obs_kind_name()        =>  get_name_for_quantity(qty_index)
    get_obs_kind_var_type()        =>  get_quantity_for_type_of_obs(type_index)
    get_obs_kind()                 =>  get_obs_def_type_of_obs(obs_def)
    set_obs_def_kind()             =>  set_obs_def_type_of_obs(obs_def)
    get_kind_from_menu()           =>  get_type_of_obs_from_menu()
    read_obs_kind()                =>   read_type_of_obs_table(file_unit, file_format)
    write_obs_kind()               =>  write_type_of_obs_table(file_unit, file_format)
    maps obs_seq nums to specific type nums, only used in read_obs_seq:
    map_def_index()                => map_type_of_obs_table()
    removed this.  apparently unused, and simply calls get_obs_kind_name():
    apparently unused anywhere, removed:

    Public integer parameter constants and subroutine formal argument names, old on left, new on right:

    KIND_ => QTY_
    kind  => quantity
    TYPE_ => TYPE_
    type  => type_of_obs
    integer parameters:
    max_obs_generic  =>  max_defined_quantities  (not currently public, stays private)
    max_obs_kinds    =>  max_defined_types_of_obs
  15. For smaller models we support single file input and output. These files contain all of the member information, mean, standard deviation and inflation values for all of the state variables. This can be run with cycling and all time steps will be appended to the file.

    For perfect_model_obs we provide a perfect_input.cdl file which contains a single ensemble member which will be considered the ‘truth’ and observations will be generated based on those values. The output will contain all of the cycling timesteps all of the state variables.

    For filter we provide a filter_input.cdl file which contains all of the state member variables and potentially inflation mean and standard deviation values. The output will contain all of the cycling timesteps all of the state variables. Additionally you have the option to write out different stages during the assimilation in the &filter_nml stages_to_write mentioned above.

    To generate a NetCDF file from a .cdl file run:

    ncgen -o perfect_input.cdl
    ncgen -o filter_input.cdl

New features

  • DART now reads and writes NetCDF files for the model state information. If your model uses NetCDF file format, you no longer need model_to_dart or dart_to_model to translate to a DART format file. If your model does not use NetCDF, you can adapt your model_to_dart and dart_to_model executables to read and write a NetCDF file for DART to use. The read/write code is part of the core DART routines so no code is needed in the model_mod model-specific module. There is a new routine State Stucture that a model_mod::static_init_model() can user to define which NetCDF variables should be part of the model state, and what DART quantity (formerly kind) they correspond to.

  • DART no longer limits the size of a model state to the size of a single MPI task’s memory. The state is read in variable by variable and distributed across all MPI tasks, so the memory use is much smaller than previous versions of DART. One-sided MPI communication is used during the computation of forward operator values to get required parts of the state from other tasks.

  • Many of the DART namelists have been simplified, and some items have moved to a more specific namelist.

  • Observation sequence files can include externally computed forward operator values which can be used in the assimilation instead of calling a forward operator inside DART.

  • The DART directory structure has been reorganized to make it easier to identify the various software tools, modules, documentation and tutorials supplied with the system.

  • The MATLAB® diagnostic routines have been updated to not require the MEXNC toolbox. These routines use the built-in NetCDF support that comes with MATLAB®.

  • There is a new Particle Filter type. Please contact us if you are interested in using it.

  • DART can now take subsets of observation types and restrict them from impacting certain quantities in the state during the assimilation. A tool to simplify constructing the table of interactions is provided (obs_impact_tool).

  • State Structure

    • Contains information about dimensions and size of variables in your state. There is a number of accessor functions to get variable information such as get_variable_size(). See the State Stucture for more details.

  • The POP model_mod now can interpolate Sea Surface Anomaly observations.

Supported models

Currently we support the models listed below. There are several new models that have been added that are not on the Lanai Release including CM1, CICE, and ROMS.

  • 9var

    • DART interface documentation for the 9-variable model.

  • bgrid_solo

    • DART interface documentation for the bgrid_solo model.

  • cam-fv

  • cice (NEW)

    • DART interface documentation for the CICE model.

    • Documentation for the CICE model.

  • cm1 (NEW)

    • DART interface documentation for the CM1.

    • Documentation for the CM1 model.

  • forced_lorenz_96

  • lorenz_63

    • DART interface documentation for the Lorenz 63 model.

  • lorenz_84

    • DART interface documentation for the Lorenz 84 model.

  • lorenz_96

    • DART interface documentation for the Lorenz 96 model.

  • lorenz_04

    • DART interface documentation for the Lorenz 05 model.

  • mpas_atm (NetCDF overwrite not supported for update_u_from_reconstruct = .true. )

  • POP

    • DART interface documentation for the POP global ocean model.

    • Documentation for the POP model.

  • ROMS (NEW)

    • DART interface documentation for the ROMS regional ocean model.

    • Documentation for the ROMS model.

  • simple_advection

  • wrf

    • DART interface documentation for the WRF regional forecast model.

    • Documentation for the WRF model.

The DART/models/template directory contains sample files for adding a new model.

Changed models

  • WRF

    • Allow advanced microphysics schemes (needed interpolation for 7 new kinds)

    • Interpolation in the vertical is now done in log(p) instead of linear pressure space. log(p) is the default, but a compile-time variable can restore the linear interpolation.

    • Added support in the namelist to avoid writing updated fields back into the wrf netcdf files. The fields are still updated during the assimilation but the updated data is not written back to the wrfinput file during the dart_to_wrf step.

    • Fixed an obscure bug in the vertical convert routine of the wrf model_mod that would occasionally fail to convert an obs. This would make tiny differences in the output as the number of mpi tasks change. No quantitative differences in the results but they were not bitwise compatible before and they are again now.

  • CAM

    • DART/CAM now runs under the CESM framework, so all options available with the framework can be used.

    • Support for the SE core (HOMME) has been developed but is NOT part of this release. Please contact the DART Development Group if you have an interest in this configuration of CAM.

  • Simple Advection Model

    • Fixed a bug where the random number generator was being used before being called with an initial seed.

New observation types/forward operators

  • Many new observation types related to land and atmospheric chemistry have been added. See the obs_kind_mod.f90 for a list of the generic quantities now available.

  • New forward operator for Sea Ice (cice) ice thickness observations. See the obs_def_cice_mod.f90 file for details.

  • New forward operator for Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nadir observations. See the obs_def_CO_Nadir_mod.f90 file for details.

  • New forward operator for Total Cloud Water in a column observations. See the obs_def_cwp_mod.f90 file for details.

New observation types/sources

  • AVISO Added an observation converter for Sea Surface Height Anomaly observations. Documentation in convert_aviso.f90 (source).

  • cice Added an obs_sequence converter for Sea Ice observations. Documentation in PROGRAM cice_to_obs.

  • GPSPW Added an obs_sequence converter for GPS precipitable water observations. Documentation in convert_gpspw.f90 (source).

  • MODIS Added an obs_sequence converter for MODIS FPAR (Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation) and LAI (Leaf Area Index) obseverations. Documentation in PROGRAM MOD15A2_to_obs.

  • ok_mesonet Added an obs_sequence converter for the Oklahoma Mesonet observations. Documentation in Oklahoma Mesonet MDF Data.

  • ROMS Added an obs_sequence converter for ROMS ocean data. This converter includes externally computed forward operators output from the ROMS model using FGAT (First Guess At Time) during the model run. Documentation in convert_roms_obs.f90 (source).

  • SSUSI Added an obs_sequence converter for wind profiler observations. Documentation in SSUSI F16 EDR-DSK format to observation sequence converters.

  • tropical_cyclone Added an obs_sequence converter for ASCII format tropical cyclone track observations. Documentation in PROGRAM tc_to_obs.

New diagnostics and documentation

  • The MATLAB® diagnostic routines have been updated to remove the dependency on third-party toolboxes. These routines use the built-in netCDF support that comes with basic MATLAB® (no other toolboxes needed).

But there’s always more to add. Please let us know where we are lacking.

New utilities

This section describes updates and changes to the tutorial materials, scripting, setup, and build information since the Lanai release.

Known problems

There are many changes in this release and more updates are expected to come soon. We are not aware of any obvious bugs, but if you encounter any unexpected behavior please contact us. Please watch the dart-users email list for announcements of updates to the release code, and be prepared to do an ‘svn update’ from time to time to get updated files.