Even Sphere

Generate a series of synthetic observations located at roughly evenly distributed locations on a sphere. At each location generate a vertical column of observations. This could mimic a radiosonde observing network, for example.

This directory contains a MATLAB script that generates input for the ‘create_obs_sequence’ program. It takes a number of vertical levels and a total number of points, and generates a roughly evenly distributed set of observations across the entire globe. Note that the number of obs will be the number of points times the number of vertical levels.

the process, end to end:


edit even_sphere.m and set the number of levels, the number of profiles, the vertical coordinate type, etc.

run it in MATLAB. it will make a plot (which you can save from the menu) and it will create a file ‘even_create_input’.


build the following executables and have these files in the current directory:


(if these executables were compiled for a specific model, then if that model needs any other input files at startup time, they will need to be copied here as well. e.g. cam needs a caminput.nc and cam_phis.nc even though they will never be used.)

1) run ./create_obs_sequence < even_create_input > /dev/null

that makes a set_def.out file

2) edit run_fixed_network_seq.csh to set the start/stop times

run ./run_fixed_network_seq.csh which will call ./create_fixed_network_seq multiple times to make separate obs_seq files as output. this script is where you set the period between files.

DETAILS on generating points evenly distributed on a sphere:

this is the algorithm (i believe) that’s being used:

dlong := pi*(3-sqrt(5))  /* ~2.39996323 */
dz    := 2.0/N
long := 0
z    := 1 - dz/2
for k := 0 .. N-1
    r    := sqrt(1-z*z)
    node[k] := (cos(long)*r, sin(long)*r, z)
    z    := z - dz
    long := long + dlong