Distributed State
The key part of DART is having a state that is physically distributed across processors. The location in memory of any part of the state vector (which processor and where in memory on that processor) is completely under the control of filter, not model_mod. This improvement was released in, and was the major reason for, Manhattan.
Implications of this:
The model_mod never gets a whole state vector to use. So no whole vector for a forward operator, and no whole vector for the mean.
The model_mod can not make any assumptions about the order of elements in the state. Currently, filter is ordering variables in the order they are listed in add_domain and with the dimension order of the netcdf file.
So, how does the model_mod access the state without having the vector and not knowing the state order? - state accessor routines.
State accessor routines
Getting the dart index
function get_dart_vector_index(i, j, k, dom_id, var_id)
get_dart_vector_index returns the dart index for a given i,j,k of a variable. Note if the variable is 1D j and k are ignored. If a variable is 2D k is ignored. Note only variables upto 3D are supported, but this could be extended to support up to 7 dimensional variables (or whatever fortran and netcdf will support).
Getting the state at a given dart index
function x = get_state(index, state_handle)
get_state returns the state x at the given index. state_handle is a derived type which contains the state information. state_handle is passed to the model_mod from above. get_state returns an array of values (the whole ensemble at index) during model_mod and a single value (the mean) during get_close_obs or vert_convert.
If you have an array of indices, for example a forward operator which is located in different levels on different ensemble members you can use get_state_array. An example of this is in CAM when an observation is in pressure, the level an observation is in depends on the state and so can vary across the ensemble.
subroutine get_state_array(x(:), index(:), state_handle)
The code inside get_state_array will do the minimum amount of communication to get you the indices you need. For example if
index = [3 4 3 3 4 3]
get_state_array will only do 2 mpi communications and return
x = [state(3), state(4), state(3), state(3), state(4), state(3)]
A limited module diagram is shown below. A -> B means A uses B:
filter_mod and assim_tools_mod take care of making data available
for use with get_state. Note get_state will only return data during
model_interpolate, get_close_obs, or vert_convert. If you
use get_state outside these routines you will get and error.
Compilation Notes
The Remote Memory Access programming model DART employs uses mpi_windows. There are 2 ways to compile window mods for mpi and non-mpi filter. This is taken care of automatically when you run quickbuild.sh. However, if you use mpi, there is a choice of mpi_window mods:
To change to cray_win_mod.f90 edit DART/build-system/buildfunctions.sh