GPS Observations
The COSMIC project provides data from a series of satellites. There are two forms of the data that are used by DART: GPS Radio Occultation data and Electron Density. The programs in this directory extract the data from the distribution files and put them into DART observation sequence (obs_seq) file format.
Radio occultation
The COSMIC satellites measure the phase delay caused by deviation of the straight-line path of the GPS satellite signal
as it passes through the Earth’s atmosphere when the GPS and COSMIC satellites rise and set relative to each other. This
deviation results from changes in the angle of refraction of light as it passes through regions of varying density of
atmosphere. These changes are a result of variations in the temperature, pressure, and moisture content. Vertical
profiles of temperature and moisture can be derived as the signal passes through more and more atmosphere until it is
obscured by the earth’s horizon. There are thousands of observations each day distributed around the globe, including in
areas which previously were poorly observed. These data are converted with the convert_cosmic_gps_cdf.f90
and create DART observations of GPSRO_REFRACTIVITY.
Electron density
The COSMIC satellites also provide ionospheric profiles of electron density. The accuracy is generally about
10-4 ∼ 10-5 cm-3. These data are converted with the convert_cosmic_ionosphere.f90
and create DART observations tagged as COSMIC_ELECTRON_DENSITY.
Data sources
Data from the COSMIC Program are available by signing up on the data access web page. We prefer delivery in netCDF file format.
Radio occultation
directory can now download profiles from any of the available satellites that
return GPS RO data to the CDAAC web site. See the gpsro_to_obsseq.csh
or convert_many_gpsro.csh
script for
where to specify the satellites to be included.Electron density
), and one which executes the conversion program (convert_script.csh
). These
scripts make 6 hour files by default, but have options for other times. Each profile is stored in a separate netcdf
file and there are usually between 1000-3000 files/day, so the download process can be lengthy. You probably want to
download as a separate preprocess step and do not use the script options to automatically delete the input files. Keep
the files around until you are sure you are satisified with the output files and then delete them by hand.convert_cosmic_gps_cdf
, reads the namelist &convert_cosmic_gps_nml
from the file
Each profile is interpolated to a set of desired levels that are specified at run time. During the conversion process,
each profile is checked for negative values of electron density above the minimum desired level. If negative values
are found, the entire profile is discarded. If an observation sequence file already exists, the converter will simply
add the new observations to it. Multiple profiles may be converted in a single execution, so it is easy to consolidate
all the profiles for a single day into a single observation sequence file, for example.
reads the namelist &convert_cosmic_ionosphere_nml
from the file input.nml
The original observation times are preserved in the conversion process. If it is desired to subset the observation
sequence file such that observations too far away from desired assimilation times are rejected, a separate
post-processing step using the program obs_sequence_tool is required. A script will be necessary to take a start
date, an end date, an assimilation time step, and a desired time ‘window’ - and strip out the unwanted observations
from a series of observation sequence files.
There are multiple ways of specifying the observation error variance at run time. They are implemented in a routine
named electron_density_error()
and are selected by the namelist variable observation_error_method
‘constant’ |
a scalar value for all observations |
‘scaled’ |
the electron density is multiplied by a scalar value |
‘lookup’ |
a lookup table is read |
‘scaled_lookup’ |
the lookup table value is multiplied by a scalar value and the electron density value |
I-Te Lee: ” … the original idea for error of ionospheric observation is 1%. Thus, I put the code as “oerr = 0.01_r8 * obsval”. Liu et. al and Yue et al investigated the Abel inversion error of COSMIC ionosphere profile, both of them figure out the large error would appear at the lower altitude and push model toward wrong direction at the lower ionosphere while assimilating these profiles. On the other hand, the Abel inversion error depends on the ionospheric electron density structure, which is a function of local time, altitude and geomagnetic latitude. To simplify the procedure to define observation error of profiles, Xinan Yue help me to estimate an error matrix and saved in the file which named ‘’. … The number in the matrix is error percentage (%), which calculated by OSSE. Here are two reference papers. In the end, the observation error consists of instrumentation error (10%) and Abel error.”
X. Yue, W.S. Schreiner, J. Lei, S.V. Sokolovskiy, C. Rocken, D.C. Hunt, and Y.-H. Kuo (2010), Error analysis of Abel retrieved electron density profiles from radio occultation measurements. Annales Geophysicae: Atmospheres, Hydrospheres and Space Sciences. 28 No. 1, pp 217-222, doi:10.5194/angeo-28-217-2010
J.Y. Liu, C.Y. Lin, C.H. Lin, H.F. Tsai, S.C. Solomon, Y.Y. Sun, I.T. Lee, W.S. Schreiner, and Y.H. Kuo (2010), Artificial plasma cave in the low-latitude ionosphere results from the radio occultation inversion of the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC}, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 115 No. A7, pp 2156-2202, doi:10.1029/2009JA015079
It is possible to create observation sequence files for perfect model experiments that have realistic observation sampling patterns and observation error variances that do not have any actual electron densities. The COSMIC data files are read, but the electron density information is not written. Keep in mind that some methods of specifying the observation error variance require knowledge of the observation value. If the observation value is bad or the entire profile is bad, no observation locations are created for the profile.
This namelist is read from the file input.nml
. Namelists start with an ampersand ‘&’ and terminate with a slash ‘/’.
Character strings that contain a ‘/’ must be enclosed in quotes to prevent them from prematurely terminating the
obs_levels = -1.0
use_original_kuo_error = .false.
local_operator = .true.
ray_ds = 5000.0
ray_htop = 15000.0
gpsro_netcdf_file = ''
gpsro_netcdf_filelist = ''
gpsro_out_file = 'obs_seq.gpsro'
Item |
Type |
Description |
obs_levels |
integer(200) |
A series of heights, in kilometers, where observations from this profile should be interpolated. (Note that the other distances and heights in the namelist are specified in meters.) The values should be listed in increasing height order. |
use_original_kuo_error |
logical |
If .true. use the observation error variances for a refractivity observation that come from a Kuo paper and were implied to be used for the CONUS domain. If .false. use observation error variances similar to what is used in GSI. |
local_operator |
logical |
If .true. compute the observation using a method which assumes all effects occur at the tangent point. If .false. integrate along the tangent line and do ray-path reconstruction. |
ray_ds |
real(r8) |
For the non-local operator only, the delta stepsize, in meters, to use for the along-path integration in each direction out from the tangent point. |
ray_htop |
real(r8) |
For the non-local operator only, stop the integration when one of the endpoints of the next integration step goes above this height. Specify in meters. |
gpsro_netcdf_file |
character(len=128) |
The input filename when converting a single profile. Only one of the file or filelist items can have a valid value, so to use the single filename set the list name ‘gpsro_netcdf_filelist’ to the empty string (’ ‘). |
gpsro_netcdf_filelist |
character(len=128) |
To convert a series of profiles in a single execution create a text file which contains each input file, in ascii, one filename per line. Set this item to the name of that file, and set ‘gpsro_netcdf_file’ to the empty string (’ ‘). |
gpsro_out_file |
character(len=128) |
The output file to be created. To be compatible with earlier versions of this program, if this file already exists it will be read in and the new data will be appended to that file. |
A more useful example follows:
gpsro_netcdf_file = ''
gpsro_netcdf_filelist = 'flist'
gpsro_out_file = 'obs_seq.gpsro'
local_operator = .true.
use_original_kuo_error = .false.
ray_ds = 5000.0
ray_htop = 13000.1
obs_levels = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8,
1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8,
2.0, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8,
3.0, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8,
4.0, 4.2, 4.4, 4.6, 4.8,
5.0, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.8,
6.0, 6.2, 6.4, 6.6, 6.8,
7.0, 7.2, 7.4, 7.6, 7.8,
8.0, 8.2, 8.4, 8.6, 8.8,
9.0, 9.2, 9.4, 9.6, 9.8,
10.0, 10.2, 10.4, 10.6, 10.8,
11.0, 11.2, 11.4, 11.6, 11.8,
12.0, 12.2, 12.4, 12.6, 12.8,
13.0, 13.2, 13.4, 13.6, 13.8,
14.0, 14.2, 14.4, 14.6, 14.8,
15.0, 15.2, 15.4, 15.6, 15.8,
16.0, 16.2, 16.4, 16.6, 16.8,
17.0, 17.2, 17.4, 17.6, 17.8,
18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 21.0, 22.0,
23.0, 24.0, 25.0, 26.0, 27.0,
28.0, 29.0, 30.0, 31.0, 32.0,
33.0, 34.0, 35.0, 36.0, 37.0,
38.0, 39.0, 40.0, 41.0, 42.0,
43.0, 44.0, 45.0, 46.0, 47.0,
48.0, 49.0, 50.0, 51.0, 52.0,
53.0, 54.0, 55.0, 56.0, 57.0,
58.0, 59.0, 60.0,
input_file = ''
input_file_list = 'input_file_list.txt'
output_file = 'obs_seq.out'
observation_error_file = 'none'
observation_error_method = 'scaled_lookup'
locations_only = .false.
obs_error_factor = 1.0
verbose = 0
obs_levels = -1.0
Item |
Type |
Description |
input_file |
character(len=256) |
The input filename when converting a single profile. Only one of
the |
input_file_list |
character(len=256) |
To convert a series of profiles in a single execution create a
text file which contains one filename per line. Set this item to
the name of that file, and set |
output_file |
character(len=256) |
The output file to be created. If this file already exists the new data will be added to that file. DART observation sequences are linked lists. When the list is traversed, the observations are in ascending time order. The order they appear in the file is completely irrelevant. |
observation_error_file |
character(len=256) |
This specifies a lookup table. The table created by I-Te Lee and
Xinan Yue is called |
observation_error_method |
character(len=128) |
There are multiple ways of specifying the observation error
variance. This character string allows you to select the method.
The selection is not case-sensitive. Allowable values are:
‘constant’, ‘scaled’, ‘lookup’, or ‘scaled_lookup’. Anything else
will result in an error. Look in the |
locations_only |
logical |
If |
obs_error_factor |
real(r8) |
This is the scalar that is used in several of the methods specifying the observation error variance. |
verbose |
integer |
controls the amount of run-time output echoed to the screen. 0 is nearly silent, higher values write out more. The filenames of the profiles that are skipped are ALWAYS printed. |
obs_levels |
integer(200) |
A series of heights, in kilometers, where observations from this profile should be interpolated. (Note that the other distances and heights in the namelist are specified in meters.) The values must be listed in increasing height order. |
A more useful example follows:
input_file = ''
input_file_list = 'file_list.txt'
output_file = 'obs_seq.out'
observation_error_file = 'f3coeff.dat'
observation_error_method = 'scaled'
locations_only = .false.
obs_error_factor = 0.01
verbose = 1
obs_levels = 160.0, 170.0, 180.0, 190.0, 200.0,
210.0, 220.0, 230.0, 240.0, 250.0,
260.0, 270.0, 280.0, 290.0, 300.0,
310.0, 320.0, 330.0, 340.0, 350.0,
360.0, 370.0, 380.0, 390.0, 400.0,
410.0, 420.0, 430.0, 440.0, 450.0
Workflow for batch conversions
If you are converting only a day or two of observations you can download the files by hand and call the converter
programs from the command line. However if you are going convert many days/months/years of data you need an automated
script, possibly submitted to a batch queue on a large machine. The following instructions describe shell scripts we
provide as a guide in the shell_scripts
directory. You will have to adapt them for your own system unless you are
running on an NSF NCAR supercomputer.
Description of the scripts provided to process the COSMIC and
CHAMP GPS radio occultation data.
Summary of workflow:
1) cd to the ../work directory and run ./ to compile everything.
2) Edit ./gpsro_to_obsseq.csh once to set the directory where the DART
code is installed, and your CDAAC web site user name and password.
3) Edit ./convert_many_gpsro.csh to set the days of data to download/convert/remove.
4) Run ./convert_many_gpsro.csh either on the command line or submit to a batch system.
More details:
Make sure your $DART/mkmf/mkmf.template is one that matches the
platform and compiler for your system. It should be the same as
how you have it set to build the other DART executables.
Run and it should compile all the executables needed
to do the GPS conversion into DART obs_sequence files.
2) gpsro_to_obsseq.csh:
Edit gpsro_to_obsseq.csh once to set the DART_DIR to where you have
downloaded the DART distribution. (There are a few additional options
in this script, but the distribution version should be good for most users.)
If you are downloading data from the CDAAC web site, set your
web site user name and password. After this you should be able to
ignore this script.
3) convert_many_gpsro.csh:
A wrapper script that calls the converter script a day at a time.
Set the days of data you want to download/convert/remove. See the
comments at the top of this script for the various options to set.
Rerun this script for all data you need. This script depends on
the advance_time executable, which should automatically be built
in the ../work directory, but you may have to copy or link to a
version from this dir. you also need a minimal input.nml here:
is all the contents it needs.
It can be risky to use the automatic delete/cleanup option - if there are
any errors in the script or conversion (file system full, bad file format,
etc) and the script doesn't exit, it can delete the input files before
the conversion has succeeded. But if you have file quota concerns
this allows you to keep the total disk usage lower.
0) run as described above
1) iono_to_obsseq.csh
set the start and stop days. downloads from the CDAAC and
untars into 100s of files per day. runs the converter to
create a single obs_seq.ion.YYYYMMDD file per day.
2) split_obs_seq.csh
split the daily files into X minute/hour files - set the
window times at the top of the file before running.
See /glade/p/image/Observations/GPS
These are DART observation sequence files that contain
radio-occultation measurements from the COSMIC
(and other) satellites.
Uses temperature/moisture bending of the signals as they
pass through the atmosphere between GPS source satellites
and low-earth-orbit receiving satellites to compute the
delay in the arrival of data. the files also contain the
bending angle data, but we are not using that currently.
the subdirectories include:
local -- original processed files, single obs at nadir
local-cosmic2013 -- reprocessed by CDAAC in 2013
local-test2013 -- 2013 data, denser in vertical, diff errors
local-complete2013 - all satellites available for that time,
new errors (from lydia c), 2013 cosmic reprocessed data
nonlocal -- original processed files, ray-path integrated
rawdata -- netcdf data files downloaded from the CDAAC
local: the ob is at a single location (the tangent point
of the ray and earth) and the entire effect is assumed
to be impacting the state at that point.
non-local: computes the ob value by doing a line integral
along the ray path to accumulate the total effect.
(in our experiments we have compared both and did not see
a large difference between the two methods, and so have
mistly used the local version because it's faster to run.)
some directories contain only the gps obs and must be
merged (with the obs_sequence_tool) with the rest of
the conventional obs before assimilation.
some directories contain both the gps-only files and
the obs merged with NCEP and ACARS data.
if a directory exists but is empty, the files are
likely archived on the HPSS. see the README files
in the next level directory down for more info on
where they might be.
jan 2016
See /glade/p/image/Observation/ionosphere
These are COSMIC 'ionPrf' ionospheric profile observations.
They are downloaded from the CDAAC website as daily tar files
and unpacked into the 'raw' directory. They distribute these
observations with one profile per netcdf file. Each profile has
data at ~500-1000 different levels.
Our converter has a fixed number of levels in the namelist
and we interpolate between the two closest levels to get the
data for that level. If you give the converter a list of
input netcdf files it will convert all of them into a
single output file.
The 'daily' directory is a collection of all the profiles for
that day.
The 'convert' directory has the executables and scripting
for breaking up the daily files into 10 minute files which
are put in the '10min' directory. Change the 'split_obs_seq.csh'
script to change the width of this window, or the names of
the output files.
The 'verify.csh' script prints out any missing files, which
happens if there are no profiles in the given window.
Our convention is to make a 0 length file for missing intervals
and we expect the filter run script to look at the file size
and loop if there is a file but with no contents. This will
allow us to distinguish between a time where we haven't converted
the observations and a time where there are no observations.
In that case the script should add time to the next model
advance request and loop to the next interval.
Modules used
and convert_cosmic_ionosphere
use the same set of modules.
The converters have a parameter declaring the maximum number of desired levels as 200. If more than 200 levels are
entered as input (to obs_levels
), a rather uninformative run-time error is generated:
routine: check_namelist_read
message: INVALID NAMELIST ENTRY: / in namelist convert_cosmic_ionosphere_nml
Your error may be different if obs_levels
is not the last namelist item before the slash ‘/’
Known Bugs
Some COSMIC files seem to have internal times which differ from the times encoded in the filenames by as much as 2-3 minutes. If it is important to get all the observations within a particular time window files with filenames from a few minutes before and after the window should be converted. Times really outside the window can be excluded in a separate step using the program obs_sequence_tool.