PROGRAM dwl_to_obs
DWL to DART converter
These are Doppler Wind Lidar measurements which have previously been extracted from the incoming format and output in ascii format, one pair of wind component observations per line. This converter reads in the ascii file and outputs the data in DART observation sequence (obs_seq) format.
This is OSSE data from a satellite which is expected to be launched in 2015. Information on the satellite mission is here at
The workflow is:
read in the needed information about each observation - location, time, observation values, obs errors - from an ascii file
call a series of DART library routines to construct a derived type that contains all the information about a single observation
call another set of DART library routines to put it into a time-sorted series
repeat the last 2 steps until all observations are processed
finally, call a write subroutine that writes out the entire series to a file in a format that DART can read in
Data sources
Matic Savli at University of Ljubljana has programs which read the expected instrument formats, do the proper conversions, and write out ascii lines, one per wind observation.
The dwl_to_obs.f90
file is the source for the main converter program. There is a sample data file in the “data”
directory. The converter reads each text line into a character buffer and then reads from that buffer to parse up the
data items.
To compile and test, go into the work subdirectory and run the
script to build the converter and a
couple of general purpose utilities. advance_time
helps with calendar and time computations, and the
manipulates DART observation files once they have been created.
The observation types are defined in DART/obs_def/obs_def_dwl_mod.f90
. That filename must be added to the
namelist file, to the &preprocess_nml namelist, the ‘input_files’ variable before compiling any program
that uses these observation types. Multiple files can be listed. Then run again. It remakes the table of
supported observation types before trying to recompile the source code.
An example script for converting batches of files is in the shell_scripts
directory. It will need customization
before being used.