Cloud Model 1 (CM1) version 18 (CM1r18) is compatible with the DART. CM1 is a non-hydrostatic numerical model in Cartesian 3D coordinates designed for the study of micro-to-mesoscale atmospheric phenomena in idealized to semi-idealized simulations.
The CM1 model was developed and is maintained by George Bryan at the NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research (NSF NCAR) Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Laboratory (MMM).
The model code is freely available from the CM1 website and must be downloaded and compiled outside of DART.
This model interface and scripting support were created by Luke Madaus. Thanks Luke!
Several modifications to the CM1 namelist namelist.input
are required to
produce model output compatible with DART. The values are described here and an
example is shown below.
The namelist.input
file is partitioned into several distinct namelists.
These namelists are denoted ¶m0
, ¶m1
, ¶m2
, …
These namelists start with an ampersand &
and terminate with a slash /
Thus, character strings that contain a /
must be enclosed in quotes to
prevent them from prematurely terminating the namelist.
Using CM1 output files as a prior ensemble state in DART requires each ensemble
member to produce a restart file in netCDF format (which requires setting
in the ¶m9
namelist) and these restart files must
only contain output at the analysis time (which requires setting
in the ¶m9
Here is an example configuration of the ¶m9
namelist in
restart_format = 2 restart needs to be netCDF
restart_filetype = 2 restart must be the analysis time - ONLY
restart_file_theta = .true. make sure theta is in restart file
restart_use_theta = .true.
The only required state variable to be updated is potential temperature
). Thus two additional settings in the ¶m9
namelist –
restart_file_theta = .true.
and restart_use_theta = .true.
must be
set to ensure theta
is output the CM1 restart files.
Additional state variables that have been tested within DART include:
ua, va, wa, prs, u0, v0, u10, v10, t2, th2, tsk, q2, psfc, qv, qc, qr, qi qs, qg, nc, nr, ns, ni, nh, ng
At present, observation times are evaluated relative to the date and time
specified in the ¶m11
Observation locations are specified in meters relative to the domain origin as
defined the iorigin
setting of ¶m2
About Testing CM1 and DART
There are two sets of scripts in the shell_scripts
directory. Luke
contributed a set written in python, and the DART team had a set written in
csh. The csh scripts have not been tested in quite some time, so use with the
understanding that they will need work. Those csh scripts and some unfinished
python scripts reside in a shell_scripts/unfinished
directory and should be
used with the understanding that they require effort on the part of the user
before the scripts will actually work.
Strategy and Instructions for Using the Python Scripts
A List of Prerequisites
CM1 is required to use netCDF restart files.
A collection of CM1 model states for initial conditions will be available.
There is a separate observation sequence file for each assimilation time.
The DART input.nml file has some required values as defined below.
Each time CM1 is advanced, it will start from the same filename, and the restart number in that filename will be 000001 - ALWAYS. That filename will be a link to the most current model state.
Testing a Cycling Experiment
The big picture: three scripts (
, and
) are alternated to configure an experiment, perform an
assimilation on a set of restart files, and make the ensemble forecast. Time
management is controlled through command-line arguments.
It is required that you have generated the DART executables before you test.
The term {centraldir}
refers to a filesystem and directory that will be
used to run the experiment, the working directory. {centraldir}
should have
a lot of capacity, as ensemble data assimilation will require lots of disk. The
term {dart_dir}
will refer to the location of the DART source code.
The data referenced in the directories (the initial ensemble, etc.) are provided as a compressed tar file cm1r18_3member_example_data.tar.gz.
You will have to download the tar file, uncompress it, and modify the scripts to use these directories instead of the example directories in the scripts. You will also have to compile your own cm1 executable.
Set some variables in both
as described below.In the
directory, run:$ ./ -d YYYYmmDDHHMMSS -i
is the date and time of the first assimilation cycle (the-i
option indicates this is the initial setup and extra work will be performed). This will create the working directory{centraldir}
, link in required executables, copy in the initial conditions for each member from some predetermined location, copy in the observation sequence file for this assimilation time from some predetermined location, modify namelists, and build a queue submission script in the{centraldir}
.Change into
and verify the contents
. Ensure the assimilation settings ininput.nml
are correct. Once you are satisfied,
to the queue to perform an assimilation.After the assimilation job completes, check to be sure that the assimilation completed successfully, and the archived files requested in the
variable are in{centraldir}/archive/YYYYmmDDHHMMSS
.Change into
and advance the ensemble to the next assimilation time by running:$ ./ -d YYYYmmDDHHMMSS -l nnnn
is the date of the COMPLETED analysis (the start time for the model) andnnnn
is the length of model integration in seconds (the forecast length). (The forecast length option is specified by ‘hypen ell’ - the lowercase letter L, not the number one.)
will submit jobs to the queue to advance the ensemble.After all ensemble members have successfully completed, run:
where $YYYYmmDDHHMMSS$ is the new current analysis time. Note the $-i$ flag is NOT used here, as we do not need to (should not need to!) re-initialize the entire directory structure.
Change into
and run:$ ````
to perform the assimilation.
Go back to step 4 and repeat steps 4-7 for each assimilation cycle until the end of the experiment.
Within the
scripts, the
following variables need to be set between the “BEGIN USER-DEFINED VARIABLES”
and “END USER-DEFINED VARIABLES” comment blocks:
A name for this experiment, will be included in the working directory path.
Number of ensemble members.
The filename for each ensemble member’s restart. Highly recommended to leave this as
The assimilation window width (in minutes) for each assimilation cycle.
The copy command with desired flags for this system.
The link command with desired flags for this system.
The remove command with desired flags for this system.
A list of DART output files to archive for each assimilation cycle. Note that any inflation files generated are automatically carried over.
Directory (which will be created if
is run in intialization mode) where the assimilation and model advances will take place. Should be on a system with enough space to allow for several assimilation cycles of archived output.
Path to the cm1 subdirectory of DART.
Path to the cm1 model executable (cm1.exe)
Path to the ensemble of initial conditions. It is assumed that within this directory, each ensemble member has a subdirectory (m1, m2, m3, …) that contains:
a restart file for cm1 at the desired start time and having the filename defined in
file compatible with the generation of that restart file.
Path to a directory containing observation sequence files to be assimilated. It is assumed that the observation sequence files are named following the convention
, where the date of the analysis time whose observations are contained in that file is the first part of the file name.
assume that mpi queue submissions are required to runcm1.exe
. These variables control how that is handled.
The name of the queueing system
The command used in a submitted script to execute an mpi task in the queue, including any required flags
The command used to submit a script to the queue
A dictionary of all flags required to execute a job in the queue, with the key being the flag and the value being the variable. e.g. {‘-P’ : ‘PROJECT CODE HERE’, ‘-W’ : ‘00:20’}, etc.
The &model_nml
namelist is read from the input.nml
file. Again,
namelists start with an ampersand &
and terminate with a slash /
Character strings that contain a /
must be enclosed in quotes to prevent
them from prematurely terminating the namelist.
assimilation_period_days = 0
assimilation_period_seconds = 21600
model_perturbation_amplitude = 0.2
cm1_template_file = 'null'
calendar = 'Gregorian'
periodic_x = .true.
periodic_y = .true.
periodic_z = .false.
debug = 0
model_variables = ' '
Description of each namelist entry
Item |
Type |
Description |
assimilation_period_[days,seconds] |
integer |
This specifies the width of the assimilation window. The current model time is used as the center time of the assimilation window. All observations in the assimilation window are assimilated. BEWARE: if you put observations that occur before the beginning of the assimilation_period, DART will error out because it cannot move the model ‘back in time’ to process these observations. |
model_perturbation_amplitude |
real(r8) |
unsupported |
cm1_template_file |
character(len=256) |
filename used to read the variable sizes, location metadata, etc. |
calendar |
character(len=256) |
Character string to specify the calendar in use. Usually ‘Gregorian’ (since that is what the observations use). |
model_variables |
character(:,5) |
Strings that identify the CM1 variables, their DART quantity, the minimum & maximum possible values, and whether or not the posterior values should be written to the output file. The DART QUANTITY must be one found in the DART/obs_kind/obs_kind_mod.f90 AFTER it gets built by preprocess.
periodic_x |
logical |
a value of .true. means the ‘X’ dimension is periodic. |
periodic_y |
logical |
a value of .true. means the ‘Y’ dimension is periodic. |
periodic_z |
logical |
unsupported |
debug |
integer |
switch to control the amount of run-time output is produced. Higher values produce more output. 0 produces the least. |
The values above are the default values. A more realistic example is shown
below and closely matches the values in the default input.nml
. The example input block is
for a case run using the Morrison Microphysics scheme. Any changes in microphysics will require the
user to update the hydrometeor state variables.
assimilation_period_days = 0
assimilation_period_seconds = 60
cm1_template_file = ''
calendar = 'Gregorian'
periodic_x = .true.
periodic_y = .true.
periodic_z = .false.
debug = 0
model_variables = 'ua' , 'QTY_U_WIND_COMPONENT' , 'NULL', 'NULL', 'UPDATE',
'prs' , 'QTY_PRESSURE' , 'NULL', 'NULL', 'UPDATE',
'qv' , 'QTY_VAPOR_MIXING_RATIO' , 0.0000, 'NULL', 'UPDATE',
'qc' , 'QTY_CLOUD_LIQUID_WATER' , 0.0000, 'NULL', 'UPDATE',
'qi' , 'QTY_CLOUD_ICE' , 0.0000, 'NULL', 'UPDATE',
'qs' , 'QTY_SNOW_MIXING_RATIO' , 0.0000, 'NULL', 'UPDATE',
'ncr' , 'QTY_RAIN_NUMBER_CONCENTR' , 0.0000, 'NULL', 'UPDATE',
'ncs' , 'QTY_SNOW_NUMBER_CONCENTR' , 0.0000, 'NULL', 'UPDATE',
'rho' , 'QTY_DENSITY' , 0.0000, 'NULL', 'UPDATE',
'dbz' , 'QTY_RADAR_REFLECTIVITY' , 0.0000, 'NULL', 'UPDATE',
From Jon Labriola on additional model variables that could be considered:
There are other model variables that can be included if you use a very specific forecast configuration. The following model variables output by CM1 when you run with a simulation with a surface model and set “output_sfcdiags = 1”. These variables can be used to simulated surface observations including TEMPERATURE_2M, U_WIND_10, V_WIND_10, SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY_2M, and SURFACE_PRESSURE.
't2' , 'QTY_2M_TEMPERATURE' , 0.0000, 'NULL', 'UPDATE',
'q2' , 'QTY_SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY' , 0.0000, 'NULL', 'UPDATE',
'psfc' , 'QTY_SURFACE_PRESSURE' , 0.0000, 'NULL', 'UPDATE',
If you want to assimilate pseudo “near-surface” observations but are not using a surface model in your forecast, I recommend defining a single radionsonde or dropsonde observation that is located near the surface (but at or above the lowest model level. The DART forward operator will perform 3D interpolation to obtain the near-surface observation.
Also be warned - from what I can tell DART forward operators are unable to calculate air temperature and specific humidity from CM1 model fields. To simulate these fields (e.g., DROPSONDE_TEMPERATURE, RADIOSONDE_SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY,…) you will have to manually go into the CM1 code (./src/writeout_nc.F and ./src/restart.F) and update the model to output 3D air temperature (air_temp) and specific humidity (spec_hum) fields. Then you can add the following fields to model_variables.
'air_temp' , 'QTY_TEMPERATURE' , 'NULL', 'NULL', 'UPDATE',
'spec_hum' , 'QTY_SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY' , 0.0000, 'NULL', 'UPDATE',
Some other areas of interest in input.nml will also be discussed
The CM1 DART code was updated so that horizontal and vertical localization radii
can be defined for each assimilated observation type. The horizontal and vertical localization
radius is first defined by the cutoff
variable in the &assim_tools_nml
code block of input.nml. However, you can use special_localization_obs_types
variables to define the observation type and corresponding
half localization radius, respectively.
horizontal localization radius = 2 * special_localization_cutoffs[ob_type]
An example of the &assim_tools_nml using per-type radii is provided below.
adaptive_localization_threshold = -1
cutoff = 15000.0
print_every_nth_obs = 100
rectangular_quadrature = .true.
sampling_error_correction = .false.
sort_obs_inc = .false.
spread_restoration = .false.
gaussian_likelihood_tails = .false.
distribute_mean = .true.
output_localization_diagnostics = .false.
localization_diagnostics_file = 'localization_diagnostics'
special_localization_cutoffs = 50000., 50000., 6000., 6000. ! Horizontal Localization radii (100km, 100km, 12km, 12km)
You can also define the vertical localization radius for each observation
type. special_vert_normalization_obs_types
where you define the observation type and special_vert_normalization_heights
where you define the normalization factor in the vertical. If you just one set one normalization for all
observation types use vert_normalization_height
(not typically recommended since horizontal localization
radii often switch between obs types).
vertical localization radius = 2 * special_localization_cutoffs[ob_type]* special_vert_normalization_heights[ob_type]
or if no obs types are defined…
vertical localization radius = 2 * cutoff * vert_normalization_height
You can also define periodic boundary conditions in the &location_nml code block. Do not change nx
, ny
, and nz
they are defined search radii used by DART (not the domain size itself).
An example of the &location_nml is provided below.
x_is_periodic = .false.
y_is_periodic = .false.
z_is_periodic = .false.
min_x_for_periodic = 0.0
max_x_for_periodic = 200000.0
min_y_for_periodic = 0.0
max_y_for_periodic = 200000.0
min_z_for_periodic = 0.0
max_z_for_periodic = 1.0
compare_to_correct = .false.
output_box_info = .false.
print_box_level = 0
nx = 10
ny = 10
nz = 10
vert_normalization_height = 1
special_vert_normalization_heights = 0.04, 0.04, 0.33, 0.33
The block defines how radar observations are assimilated e.g., what forward operator is used for reflectivity, radial velocity, microphysical information, observation cutoff values.
Rather than diagnosing radar reflectivity directly from model output
I feed the DART system the 3D radar reflectivity variable output by cm1.
If you decide to follow this same technique set microphysics_type = 5
To calculate radar radial velocity you need to set allow_dbztowt_conv=.true.
this will allow the DART to diagnose particle fall speed via reflecvtivity
which is used for the radial velocity calculation.
A sample &obs_def_radar_mod_nml is provided below:
apply_ref_limit_to_obs = .false.,
reflectivity_limit_obs = -10.0,
lowest_reflectivity_obs = -10.0,
apply_ref_limit_to_fwd_op = .false.,
reflectivity_limit_fwd_op = -10.0,
lowest_reflectivity_fwd_op = -10.0,
max_radial_vel_obs = 1000000,
allow_wet_graupel = .false.,
microphysics_type = 5,
allow_dbztowt_conv = .true.,
dielectric_factor = 0.224,
n0_rain = 8.0e6,
n0_graupel = 4.0e6,
n0_snow = 3.0e6,
rho_rain = 1000.0,
rho_graupel = 400.0,
rho_snow = 100.0