There are several DART users who have working DART interface code to the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), as the model is a community ocean model funded by the Office of Naval Research. Please visit MyRoms for more information on the model.
The lead developers are at Rutgers and UCLA, but the list of associate developers is extensive. Please read ROMS developers for more information.
If you are interested in running DART with this model please contact the DART group at for more information. We are currently working with collaborators to optimize the model_mod interface and associated scripting to run data assimilation experiments with this model. We may be able to put you in contact with the right people to get a copy of the code.
This document describes the relationship between ROMS and DART and provides an overview of how to perform ensemble data assimilation with ROMS to provide ocean states that are consistent with the information provided by various ocean observations.
Running ROMS is complicated. It is strongly recommended that you become very familiar with running ROMS before you attempt a ROMS-DART assimilation experiment. Running DART is complicated. It is strongly recommended that you become very familiar with running DART before you attempt a ROMS-DART assimilation experiment. Running ROMS-DART takes expertise in both areas.
We recommend working through the DART tutorial to learn the concepts of ensemble data assimilation and the capabilities of DART.
The ROMS code is not distributed with DART, it can be obtained from the ROMS website. There you will also find instructions on how to compile and run ROMS. DART can use the ‘verification observations’ from ROMS (basically the estimate of the observation at the location and time computed as the model advances) so it would be worthwhile to become familiar with that capability of ROMS.
DART calls these ‘precomputed forward operators’. DART can also use observations
from the World Ocean Database -
WOD. The conversion from the WOD formats to the DART observation sequence format
is accomplished by the converters in the DART/observations/obs_converters/WOD
The DART forward operators require interpolation from the ROMS terrain-following and horizontally curvilinear orthogonal coordinates to the observation location. Please contact us for more information about this interpolation.
Generating an initial ensemble
The ROMS interface provides the ability to create an ensemble of initial ROMS
history files from an initial file by using the
PROGRAM perturb_single_instance.
You can specify an ensemble of any size in the perturb_single_instance
namelist in input.nml
and this program will randomly perturb the
temperature and salinity fields of an initial ROMS history file to generate
the ensemble.
A note about filenames
During the course of an experiment, many files are created. To make them unique, the ocean_time is converted from “seconds since 1900-01-01 00:00:00” to the equivalent number of DAYS. An integer number of days. The intent is to tag the filename to reflect the valid time of the model state. This could be used as the DSTART for the next cycle, so it makes sense to me. The confusion comes when applied to the observation files.
The input observation files for the ROMS 4DVAR system typically have a DSTART that designates the start of the forecast cycle and the file must contain observation from DSTART to the end of the forecast. Makes sense.
The model runs to the end of the forecast, harvesting the verification observations along the way. So then DART converts all those verification observations and tags that file … with the same time tag as all the other output files … which reflects the ocean_time (converted to days). The input observation file to ROMS will have a different DSTART time in the filename than the corresponding verification files. Ugh. You are free to come up with a better plan.
These are just examples…after all; hopefully good examples.
The procedure to perform an assimilation experiment is outlined in the following steps:
Compile ROMS (as per the ROMS instructions).
Compile all the DART executables (in the normal fashion).
Stage a directory with all the files required to advance an ensemble of ROMS models and DART.
Modify the run-time controls in
. Since ROMS has a Bin/subsitute command, it is used to replace temporary placeholders with actual values at various parts during the process.Advance all the instances of ROMS; each one will produce a restart file and a verification observation file.
Convert all the verification observation files into a single DART observation sequence file with the
program inDART/observations/obs_converters/ROMS/
.Run filter to assimilate the data (DART will read and update the ROMS files directly - no conversion is necessary.)
Update the control files for ROMS in preparation for the next model advance.
Shell scripts
The shell_scripts
directory has several scripts that are intended to
provide examples. These scripts WILL need to be modified to work on
your system and are heavily internally commented. It will be necessary
to read through and understand the scripts. As mentioned before, the
ROMS Bin/subsitute command is used to replace temporary placeholders
with actual values at various parts during the process.
Script |
Description |
---|---| |
Was written by Hernan Arango to run an ensemble of ROMS models. It is an appropriate example of what is required from the ROMS perspective. It does no data assimilation. |
stage_experiment.csh |
prepares a directory for an assimilation experiment. The idea is basically that everything you need should be assembled by this script and that this should only be run ONCE per experiment. After everything is staged in the experiment directory, another script can be run to advance the model and perform the assimilation. stage_experiment.csh will also modify some of the template scripts and copy working versions into the experiment directory. This script may be run interactively, i.e. from the UNIX command line. |
submit_multiple_cycles_lsf.csh |
is an executable script that submits a series of dependent jobs to an LSF queuing system. Each job runs cycle.csh in the experiment directory and only runs if the previous dependent job completes successfully. |
cycle.csh.template |
is a non-executable template that is modified by stage_experiment.csh and results in an exectuable cycle.csh in the experiment directory. cycle.csh is designed to be run as a batch job and advances the ROMS model states one-by-one for the desired forecast length. The assimilation is performed and the control information for the next ROMS forecast is updated. Each model execution and filter use the same set of MPI tasks. |
submit_multiple_jobs_slurm.csh |
is an executable script that submits a series of dependent jobs to an LSF queuing system. It is possible to submit many jobs the queue, but the jobs run one-at-a-time. Every assimilation cycle is divided into two scripts to be able to efficiently set the resources for each phase. advance_ensemble.csh is a job array that advances each ROMS instance in separate jobs. When the entire job array finishes - and only if they all finish correctly - will the next job start to run. run_filter.csh performs the assimilation and prepares the experiment directory for another assimilation cycle. submit_multiple_jobs_slurm.csh may be run from the command line in the experiment directory. Multiple assimilation cycles can be specified, so it is possible to put many jobs in the queue. |
advance_ensemble.csh.template |
is a non-executable template that is modified by stage_experiment.csh and results in an exectuable advance_ensemble.csh in the experiment directory. advance_ensemble.csh is designed to submit an job array to the queueing system (PBS,SLURM, or LSF) to advance the ensemble members in separate jobs. |
run_filter.csh.template |
is a non-executable template that is modified by stage_experiment.csh and results in an exectuable run_filter.csh in the experiment directory. run_filter.csh is very similar to cycle.csh but does not advance the ROMS model instances. |
The variables from ROMS that are copied into the DART state vector are controlled by the input.nml model_nml namelist. See below for the documentation on the &model_nml entries. The state vector should include all variables needed to apply the forward observation operators as well as the prognostic variables important to restart ROMS.
The example input.nml model_nml demonstrates how to construct the DART state vector. The following table explains in detail each entry for the variables namelist item:
Variable name |
This is the ROMS variable name as it appears in the ROMS netCDF file. |
This is the character string of
the corresponding DART QUANTITY.
The complete list of possible
DART QUANTITY values is available
in the |
minimum |
If the variable is to be updated in the ROMS restart file, this specifies the minimum value. If set to ‘NA’, there is no minimum value. |
maximum |
If the variable is to be updated in the ROMS restart file, this specifies the maximum value. If set to ‘NA’, there is no maximum value. |
update |
The updated variable may or may not be written to the ROMS restart file. ‘UPDATE’ means the variable in the restart file is updated. This is case-insensitive. ‘NO_COPY_BACK’ (or anything else) means the variable in the restart file remains unchanged. |
This namelist is read from the file input.nml. Namelists start with an ampersand ‘&’ and terminate with a slash ‘/’. Character strings that contain a ‘/’ must be enclosed in quotes to prevent them from prematurely terminating the namelist. The default namelist is presented below, a more realistic namelist is presented at the end of this section.
roms_filename = ''
assimilation_period_days = 1
assimilation_period_seconds = 0
vert_localization_coord = 3
debug = 0
variables = ''
Item |
Type |
Description |
roms_filename |
character(len=256) |
This is the name of the file used to provide information about the ROMS variable dimensions, etc. |
assi milation_period_days, assimi lation_period_seconds |
integer |
Combined, these specify the width of the assimilation window. The current model time is used as the center time of the assimilation window. All observations in the assimilation window are assimilated. BEWARE: if you put observations that occur before the beginning of the assimilation_period, DART will error out because it cannot move the model ‘back in time’ to process these observations. |
variables |
character(:, 5) |
A 2D array of strings, 5 per ROMS variable to be added to the dart state vector.
ve rt_localization_coord |
integer |
Vertical coordinate for vertical localization.
Currently, only 3 (height) is supported for ROMS. |
A more realistic ROMS namelist is presented here, along with one of the more unusual settings that is generally necessary when running ROMS. The use_precomputed_FOs_these_obs_types variable needs to list the observation types that are present in the ROMS verification observation file.
roms_filename = ''
assimilation_period_days = 1
assimilation_period_seconds = 0
vert_localization_coord = 3
debug = 1
variables = 'temp', 'QTY_TEMPERATURE', 'NA', 'NA', 'update',
'salt', 'QTY_SALINITY', '0.0', 'NA', 'update',
'u', 'QTY_U_CURRENT_COMPONENT', 'NA', 'NA', 'update',
'v', 'QTY_V_CURRENT_COMPONENT', 'NA', 'NA', 'update',
'zeta', 'QTY_SEA_SURFACE_HEIGHT' 'NA', 'NA', 'update'
evaluate_these_obs_types = ''
assimilate_these_obs_types = 'SATELLITE_SSH',
use_precomputed_FOs_these_obs_types = 'SATELLITE_SSH',