
This document describes the DART interface to the Parallel Ocean Program (POP). It covers the Development history of the interface with two implementations of POP:

  • the Los Alamos National Laboratory Parallel Ocean Program (LANL POP), and

  • the Community Earth System Model Parallel Ocean Program 2 (CESM POP2; Smith et al. 2010 [1]).

This document also provides Detailed instructions for using DART and CESM POP2 on NSF NCAR’s supercomputer, including information about the availability of restart files for Creating an initial ensemble of model states and Observation sequence files for assimilation.

Development History

When the DART interface to POP was originally developed circa 2009-2010, the interface worked with both the LANL POP and CESM POP2 implementations of POP.


In years subsequent to the initial development of the DART interface, the Computer, Computational, and Statistical Sciences Division at LANL transitioned from using POP as their primary ocean model to using the Model for Prediction Across Scales-Ocean (MPAS-Ocean). Thus it became difficult for staff in the Data Assimilation Research Section (DAReS) at NSF NCAR to maintain access to the LANL POP source code. As a result, LANL POP has been tested using DART’s Lanai framework but has not been tested using DART’s Manhattan framework. If you intend to use LANL POP with DART Manhattan, contact DAReS staff for assistance by emailing dart@ucar.edu.


The NSF NCAR implementation of POP, CESM POP2, has been used extensively with DART throughout multiple generations of NSF NCAR’s supercomputer (Bluefire, Yellowstone & Cheyenne) and multiple iterations of NSF NCAR’s earth system model (CCSM4, CESM1 and CESM2). CESM POP2 is supported under DART’s Manhattan framework.

For DART’s CESM POP2 interface, the CESM Interactive Ensemble facility is used to manage the ensemble and the Flux Coupler is responsible for stopping POP2 at the times required to perform an assimilation. CESM runs continuously and all of the DART routines run at each assimilation time.

Detailed instructions for using DART and CESM POP2 on NSF NCAR’s supercomputer

If you’re using NSF NCAR’s supercomputer, you can run the setup scripts after making minor edits to set details that are specific to your project. The setup scripts create a CESM case in which POP is configured using a 1° horizontal grid, and uses the eddy parametrization of Gent and McWilliams (1990). [2] The CICE model is active and atmospheric forcing is provided by the CAM6 DART Reanalysis.

The filesystem attached to NSF NCAR’s supercomputer is known as the Globally Accessible Data Environment (GLADE). All filepaths on GLADE have the structure:


If you aren’t using NSF NCAR’s supercomputer, take note of when the /glade/ filepath is present in the setup scripts, since this will indicate sections that you must alter in order to get the scripts to work on your supercomputer. Additionally, you’ll need to generate your own initial condition and observation sequence files or you’ll need to copy these files from GLADE. If you want to copy these files from GLADE and don’t have access, contact DAReS staff by emailing dart@ucar.edu for assistance.


To use DART and CESM POP2 on NSF NCAR’s supercomputer, you will need to complete the following steps.

  1. Download an intial ensemble of POP2 restart files from the NSF NCAR Geoscience Data Exchange

  2. Configure the scripts for your specific experiment by editing DART_params.csh.

  3. Run the appropriate DART setup script to create and build the CESM case.

If the DART setup script runs to completion, it will print instructions to the screen. Follow these instructions to submit your case.

Shell scripts

Since CESM requires many third-party modules in order to compile, it is often difficult to compile older versions of CESM because the older modules become unavailable. You should attempt to use the most recent setup scripts. The Discuss CESM bulletin board specifies which releases of CESM are supported.

The setup scripts are stored in:


in subdirectories that correspond releases of CESM. For example:


contains scripts that should be used with CESM releases 2.1.0-2.1.3.


This is the essential script you must edit to get your cases to build properly. While you need to configure this script, you don’t need to run this script. It is run by the setup scripts.

Script name



This script contains most, if not all, of the variables that you need to set in order to build and run cases. You must read this file carefully and configure the variables to match your needs. The assignment of the stagedir variable in this script should match the directory path where the restarts from the GDEX were downloaded/stored.

SourceMods are required to enable POP to recompute the barotropic velocity to prevent the barotropic solver from crashing. You can find and download the SourceMods available for POP-DART here.

Put the SourceMods in your home directory:


Setup scripts

These are the primary scripts used to setup CESM cases in which data assimilation is enabled in POP2. The only variable that you might need to set in these scripts is the extra_string variable. It is appended to the end of the CESM case name. You can use it to differentiate experiments with the same configuration.

Script name



This script creates a CESM case with a single model instance in order to run DART’s perfect_model_obs program to collect observations from the model run.


This script creates a CESM case with multiple model instances in order to run DART’s filter program to complete assimilation.

After configuring your experiment in DART_params.csh, you can setup a case by running these scripts. For example, to setup an assimilation experiment:

$ cd DART/models/POP/shell_scripts/cesm2_1
$ ./setup_CESM_hybrid_ensemble.csh

If the setup scripts run to completion, they will print instructions that you can follow to use CESM’s case submit tool to begin a model integration.


This script is copied by the setup scripts into the CESM case directory. It configures CESM to run DART.

Script name



This script is copied into the CESM case directory where it configures CESM to run DART.

Runtime scripts

These scripts are copied into the CESM case directory. They are called by CESM and contain the logic to run DART’s perfect_model_obs or filter programs. You shouldn’t need to run these scripts directly, unless they exit before completion and halt a CESM integration. In this case you may need to run the script directly to complete an assimilation in order to continue the integration.

Script name



This script runs perfect_model_obs to collect synthetic data in a single-instance CESM case.


This script runs filter to perform assimilation in a multi-instance CESM case.

Other files needed for assimilation

Creating an initial ensemble

Karspeck et al. (2013) [3] find that an ensemble of 1 January model states selected from a multi-decade free-running integration of POP2 can be used as an initial ensemble.

You can access a collection of POP restart files from Who Kim’s multi-century g210.G_JRA.v14.gx1v7.01 experiment to serve as an initial ensemble in the NSF NCAR Geoscience Data Exchange. This experiment uses the JRA-55 dataset for atmospheric forcing (Tsujino et al. 2018 [4]).

Observation sequence files

When setup_CESM_hybrid_ensemble.csh is used to create an assimilation experiment, DART_params.csh configures the experiment to assimilate observation sequence files from the World Ocean Database 2013 (WOD13; Boyer et al. 2013 [5]).

The WOD13 dataset comprises data from 2005-01-01 to 2016-12-31 and contains the following observation types:


















The W0D13 observations have already been converted into DART’s observation sequence file format by Fred Castruccio. Thanks Fred! The files are stored in the following directory on GLADE:


The subdirectories are formatted in YYYYMM order.

Observation sequence files converted from the World Ocean Database 2009 (WOD09; Johnson et al. 2009 [6]), which comprises data from 1960-01-01 to 2008-12-31, are also stored in the following directory on GLADE:


These observation sequence files can be assimilated by changing the BASEOBSDIR variable in DART_params.csh.

DART extracts the following variables from the POP2 restart files and adjusts them to be consistent with the observations: SALT_CUR, TEMP_CUR, UVEL_CUR, VVEL_CUR, and PSURF_CUR.

Data atmosphere streams files

The setup scripts configure the CESM case with atmospheric forcing from the CAM6 DART Reanalysis. The coupler history files from this reanalysis are referenced in user_datm.streams*template files. These user_datm.streams*template files are contained in the same directory as the setup scripts and are configured and copied into the CESM case directory by the setup scripts.


The &model_nml namelist is read from the input.nml file. Namelists start with an ampersand, &, and terminate with a slash, /. Character strings that contain a / must be enclosed in quotes to prevent them from prematurely terminating the namelist.

The variables and their default values are listed here:

   assimilation_period_days     = -1
   assimilation_period_seconds  = -1
   model_perturbation_amplitude = 0.2
   binary_grid_file_format      = 'big_endian'
   debug                        = 0,
   model_state_variables        = 'SALT_CUR ', 'QTY_SALINITY             ', 'UPDATE',
                                  'TEMP_CUR ', 'QTY_POTENTIAL_TEMPERATURE', 'UPDATE',
                                  'UVEL_CUR ', 'QTY_U_CURRENT_COMPONENT  ', 'UPDATE',
                                  'VVEL_CUR ', 'QTY_V_CURRENT_COMPONENT  ', 'UPDATE',
                                  'PSURF_CUR', 'QTY_SEA_SURFACE_PRESSURE ', 'UPDATE'

This namelist provides control over the assimilation period for the model. All observations within (+/-) half of the assimilation period are assimilated. The assimilation period is the minimum amount of time the model can be advanced, and checks are performed to ensure that the assimilation window is a multiple of the ocean model dynamical timestep.






The number of days to advance the model for each assimilation. If both assimilation_period_days and assimilation_period_seconds are ≤ 0; the value of the POP namelist variables restart_freq and restart_freq_opt are used to determine the assimilation period.

WARNING: in the CESM framework, the restart_freq is set to a value that is not useful so DART defaults to 1 day - even if you are using POP in the LANL framework.



In addition to assimilation_period_days, the number of seconds to advance the model for each assimilation. Make sure you read the description of assimilation_period_days.



Reserved for future use.



The POP grid files are in a binary format. Valid values are native, big_endian, or little_endian. Modern versions of Fortran allow you to specify the endianness of the file you wish to read when they are opened as opposed to needing to set a compiler switch or environment variable.



The switch to specify the run-time verbosity.

  • 0 is as quiet as it gets.

  • > 1 provides more run-time messages.

  • > 5 provides ALL run-time messages.

All values above 0 will also write a netCDF file of the grid information and perform a grid interpolation test.



Strings that associate POP variables with a DART quantity and whether or not to write the updated values to the restart files. These variables will be read from the POP restart file and modified by the assimilation. Some (perhaps all) will be used by the forward observation operators. If the 3rd column is ‘UPDATE’, the output files will have the modified (assimilated,posterior) values. If the 3rd column is ‘NO_COPY_BACK’, that variable will not be written to the restart files. The DART diagnostic files will always have the (modified) posterior values. Diagnostic variables that are useful for the calculation of the forward observation operator but have no impact on the forecast trajectory of the model could have a value of NO_COPY_BACK.
