DART build system

The DART build system consists of a quickbuild.sh script for each model or observation converter and several build functions in DART/build_templates/


The DART build process is invoked by running quickbuild.sh and consists of the following steps:

  1. Find the root of the DART git repository you are running in

  2. Source the build functions

  3. Parse the arguments to quickbuild.sh

  4. Clean any existing .o .mod files

  5. Run fixsystem to alter compiler dependent source code

  6. Compile preprocess

  7. Run preprocess to create an obs_def_mod.f90 and obs_kind_mod.f90 specific to the observations you are using in DART.

  8. For each program

    • collect the source code needed

    • create a Makefile for the executable

    • compile the source code into the executable

The Makefile is created using mkmf, which maps out the dependencies between the source files. For more information on mkmf please see the mkmf documentation.

There is a quickbuild.sh script is each work directory. To view the usage information for quickbuild.sh,

./quickbuild.sh help

quickbuild.sh may be used to build all programs for a particular model or observation converter, or can be given a single program as an argument to build.

For example, you may want to build obs_sequence_tool

./quickbuild.sh obs_sequence_tool

In quickbuild.sh there are arrays containing the list of programs to build. In general the arrays will contain all programs needed, but you may want to add other DART programs to your build list. Edit quickbuild.sh to add your required program to the appropriate array.

For models there are four arrays in quickbuild.sh:

DART programs that can be compiled with mpi go here

DART programs that do not use mpi go here

Model program that can be compiled with mpi go here

model programs that do not use mpi go here

For observation converters, there is a single array.

converter programs

For DART developers

If you are developing, and want to iterate over changing code and compiling a single program, for example filter, you can use quickbuild.sh in the following way:

./quickbuild.sh filter
*edit the code*
*edit the code*

Where does quickbuild.sh look for code?

The source code which gets compiled into DART executables is a function of

  • Core DART code

  • Location specific code (threed sphere, threed Cartesian, oned, …)

  • Model/converter specific code

  • External libraries

  • mpi/null mpi utilities

  • obs_def_mod.f90 and obs_kind_mod.f90 (created by preprocess)

The core DART code is collected from the DART/assimilation_code/modules/ directory. Note the DART/assimilation_code/modules/observations directory is excluded from the search. This directory contains quantity files which are used as input to preprocess rather than being compiled directly.

The model directory and the location module to be used are defined in quickbuild.sh. For example, the Regional Ocean Model (ROMS) uses the threed_sphere location module.


Similarly, for an observation converter, the converter directory and the location module are defined in quickbuild.sh


The model/observation converter directory will be searched for .f90 files.

Additionally any .f90 files in the work directory where you are running quickbuild.sh will be added to the list of source files. .f90 files in the work directory will take precedence over .f90 files with the same name elsewhere.

To take a look how the .f90 files are collected, look at the findsrc and findconvsrc functions in the following files:


When adding new code, be sure to obey the following rules to make sure quickbuild.sh finds your new code and ignores any code you do not want compiled.

  1. The {name} of the .f90 file must be the program {name}. For example the source code program called red_mist must be called red_mist.f90

  2. Any .f90 files that you have in your work directory will take precedence over .f90 files with the same name elsewhere. For example if you have an assim_tools_mod.f90 in your work directory, this will be compiled rather than the file DART/assimilation_code/modules/assimilation/assim_tools_mod.f90.

    In the example below, the file assim_tools_mod.f90 from the work directory will be used when compiling the lorenz_96 programs.

                               |-- quickbuild.sh
                               |-- assim_tools_mod.f90
  3. If you have .f90 files that you do not want to compile into DART, you will need to exclude these files using one of these methods:

    • Put the code outside the directories quickbuild.sh searches, for example in a directory DART/exclude/

    • Explicitly exclude the .f90 files with the EXCLUDE variable in quickbuild.sh

    • Rename the .f90 files, e.g. solar_flux.f90 renamed to solar_flux.f90.exclude

  4. for core DART programs, use the following directory structure:

                                                  |-- {program_name}.f90
                                                  |-- {program_name}.rst
                                                  |-- {program_name}.nml

    where {program_name}.rst is the documentation for the program and {program_name}.nml is a namelist with default values (if applicable to the program).

  5. For observation converters, the program must be in the top level of the converter directory:

  6. For programs specific to a particular model, the program must be in the model directory. For example programs that are specific to Weather and Research Forecasting model (WRF), must be in the DART/models/wrf directory. Model programs may be in subdirectories as shown in the example below.

                       |-- {program_one}.f90
                       |-- subdirectory/{program_two}.f90

    There may be code in the model directory that you do not want compiled into the DART executables. For example, the bgrid_solo model directory has all the .f90 code required to build bgrid_solo model (fms_src), which we do not want to compile into DART and so the bgrid_solo quickbuild.sh has the following line:


    EXCLUDE is a directory of code to exclude.

  7. For code that is outside of the above locations, you can use the variable EXTRA to add source files to be compiled. For example, the ROMS observation converter requires the ROMS model_mod.f90 code, so the ROMS quickbuild.sh has


    EXTRA is source code outside the work directory to include in the build. EXTRA can be a directory, a list of files, or a single file.

Building DART as a library

For developers who want to build DART as a library for use with another applications, we provide the buildlib buildfunction.

buildlib libdart.a  # for a static library
buildlib libdart.so # for a shared library

Example quickbuild.sh scripts for building a shared and a static library are given in DART/developer_tests/library/{shared|static}/work.